Given the spread of misinformation about Covid-19, Just Facts is providing a trove of rigorously documented facts about this disease and its impacts. These include some vital facts that have been absent or misreported in much of the media’s coverage of this issue. This research also includes a study to determine the deadliness of Covid-19 based on the most comprehensive available measure.
The U.S. national debt has just reached 120.5% of the nation’s annual economic output, breaking a record set in 1946 for the highest debt level in the history of the United States. In addition to documenting that history, this article debunks common falsehoods about the causes of surging federal debt and exposes the fatal flaws of arguments that this borrowing doesn’t harm the American people.
Meticulous research shows that anxiety from reactions to Covid-19—such as stay-at-home orders, business shutdowns, media exaggerations, and legitimate concerns about the virus—will extinguish at least 7 times more years of life than can possibly be saved by lockdowns. This figure is a bare minimum, and the actual one is likely more than 90 times greater.
If there is truth in James Madison’s warning that an uninformed electorate would be a grave threat to the nation, a scientific survey commissioned by Just Facts shows that the U.S. may be in deep trouble. This unique assessment measured voters’ knowledge of issues that tangibly affect their lives, and it found that many voters may be casting ballots based on warped notions of reality.
A groundbreaking study by Just Facts has discovered that after accounting for all income, charity, and non-cash welfare benefits like subsidized housing and Food Stamps—the poorest 20% of Americans consume more goods and services than the national averages for all people in most affluent countries.
Given the scale and diversity of federal, state, and local government functions, it can be hard to grasp the big picture of how they spend taxpayer’s money. This gives politicians and activists ample opportunity to distort or distract from reality. Just Facts’ core research on government spending is a strong antidote to the baseless claims, half-truths, and outright falsehoods that plague debates about such matters.
Societies have long used the death penalty as a punishment for heinous crimes, but in the modern era, many people would prefer to abandon it. Debate over such a life-or-death issue can be clouded by emotion, thus leaving people conflicted and confused. This research examines the death penalty from a factual perspective to help you develop a foundation of truth from which to form your views.
In the wake of World War II, the United Nations was created to save future generations from the “scourge of war.” Over 70 years later, many people wonder whether it is a bloated bureaucracy or an effective mechanism for world peace and development. This research cuts through the rhetoric to provide you with the facts about the organization’s goals, structure, track record, and much more.
Through much of recorded history, governments have used their power to suppress criticism of themselves. In stark contrast, one of the defining principles of the U.S. is that citizens have a right to criticize the government and to speak about virtually everything. Discover why this came to be and how it plays out in real life.
Human population has tripled since 1950, adding 5 billion people to the planet. Some say this is very serious and must be corrected immediately to prevent a disaster. Others say all is well and there is nothing to fear. What do the facts say? Read on to find out how we got to this point, what the effects have been, and what the future might hold.
Immigration is a defining element of the United States, but political agendas, media bias, and personal passions have sown a minefield of misinformation around this issue. That’s where Just Facts steps in. This expansive research will help you become genuinely informed about a subject that has high stakes for America and people throughout the world.
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On this emotionally charged subject where so many people have based their opinions on notions and prejudices, Just Facts has conducted thorough and extensive research to separate fiction from reality. The result is hundreds of facts that shed broad light on matters that could be uniting instead of dividing people.
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Does increased government control of firearms lead to a more civilized, less violent society; or does it leave law-abiding citizens at the mercy of violent criminals? Is the Second Amendment applicable to citizens or only to the National Guard? Do we need stricter gun control laws or more enforcement of existing laws? Examine this large collection of facts that speak to these important questions.
The Greek philosopher Epictetus said that “only the educated are free,” and Booker T. Washington trusted in “the power and influence” of facts. Just Facts has united both of these precepts in its research on education. Learn about the tangible outcomes and costs of preschool, K-12 education, higher education, and initiatives like Common Core, school choice, and digital learning.
Everyone uses money, and monetary policy influences the value of that money for borrowers, lenders, savers, and spenders alike. Just Facts has produced research to illuminate this complicated issue in clear, simple terms. These facts walk you through the evolution of money from seashells to Bitcoin and answer vexing questions about the Federal Reserve, inflation, exchange rates, and other topics.
Regardless of whether or not you belong to a union, they can have tangible and pronounced effects on you. Labor unions in private companies and government affect not only workers and managers but also product prices, tax levels, the general economy, and more. Learn how and why in Just Facts’ scrupulously documented trove of union facts.
This research may shock, sadden, or infuriate you, but most importantly, it will equip you with information that you can use to inform yourself and others about the crime of sex trafficking. Knowledge is power, and whether you are a private citizen or law enforcement professional, this knowledge may help you save someone from cruel and unrelenting abuse.
The U.S. tax system is so complicated that federal tax regulations now stretch for nearly 14,000 pages. But even if you studied every word of these, you still wouldn’t learn how taxes truly impact individuals, families, and businesses. For that, you’ll need Just Facts’ cutting-edge research on tax policy. For every major aspect of this issue, you’ll find clear, reliable, and rigorously documented facts here.
How much pollution exists in our air, water, and land—and just how hazardous is it? Answers to these questions often vary across a wide range of extremes; some say there is no cause for concern, while others say we are in or on the verge of an environmental catastrophe. That is why Just Facts has conducted research to help you sort through the hyperbole that permeates this issue.
Healthcare is a deeply personal matter, but it has increasingly become the public’s business by way of numerous laws and regulations. Furthermore, these laws and regulations have transformed healthcare into a complex and divisive issue. Thus, if you want to truly understand this vital subject, you will need a firm foundation of facts, which is exactly what this research provides.
The issue of climate change has become a contentious minefield of claims and counterclaims, but Just Facts has diligently researched and sorted through this muddle to bring you the concrete facts of the matter. This research provides an abundance of credible information that transcends the half-truths that dominate this highly contested topic.
You can slice through the partisan rhetoric that clouds the heated debate about the national debt by consulting Just Facts’ research on this issue. Documented with primary sources such as the U.S. Treasury Department and the Financial Accounting Standards Board, this research provides voters, lawmakers, and policy analysts with data that is critical to understanding this important matter.
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Abortion—the mere mention of this word stirs passions and controversy, but what are the concrete facts of this issue? What do the scientific disciplines tell us? Where do prominent politicians and organizations stand on this matter? More importantly, what are their records? Just Facts has amassed a wealth of meticulously documented facts to help you answer these questions.
During the past century, government social programs—which provide healthcare, income security, education, nutrition, housing, and cultural services—have grown from a small portion of all government spending to the largest share of it. Explore striking facts that document the measures, trends, and history of these programs.
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